How Can I Find a Cheap Auto Insurance in Arkansas?
G&G Independent Insurance has got you covered. We can help you with standard auto insurance, as well as car insurance for collector cars. When most people think about car insurance, they think about damage to their car. The truth is, auto insurance covers much more than just your car. It’s important to understand what your coverage options are — not just for your car, but for you, and people who may be injured as a result of your negligence.
Don't Have Time To Compare Rates and Find A Affordable Car Insurance?
If you were ever involved in an accident and found to be at fault for someone else’s bodily injuries, you could lose everything if you’re not properly insured. What a lot of people don’t realize is, that having great coverage doesn’t necessarily mean having higher car insurance premiums. Because G&G Independent Insurance is 100% independent, we can take your current coverages and compare them with a wide range of auto insurance providers to see who offers you the best deal possible.
The best part? It doesn’t cost you a penny more to use us. We are compensated by the auto insurance agencies directly, and work on your behalf to properly cover your needs and exposures, and make sure that there are no hidden gaps in your policy. No two insurance contracts are the same, and while two policies side-by-side might look the same, the fine print behind the cover page can vary drastically from company to company.
This means you need someone who truly understands policy contracts, like us, to sort through the exclusions and conditions for you, so you can rest easy knowing that you have the best possible coverage at the best price without having to learn legal jargon.
Factors That May Affect Auto Insurance Rates

What Does Full Coverage Auto Insurance Cover?
When you browse through your policy, you may see certain coverages and wonder exactly what they are, and why they’re on your policy.
Let us clarify a few of the more important ones for you:
Collision Coverage
This is the part of your policy that covers your car in the event you damage the car itself somehow, as a result of an accident with a fixed or moving object like another car, a curb, a house, a guard rail, etc..
Comprehensive Coverage
This coverage also protects your car, but in the event that something else damages your car, that is not a fixed, or moving object. For example, theft, a rock that cracks your windshield while you’re driving on the highway, an animal you might hit, hail damage and so on.
Property Damage
Suppose you damage someone's car in an accident, or a guard rail, house, or some other property that belongs to someone else. This is the part of your policy that compensates the other person for that damage
Bodily Injury Liability
This coverage protects your financial interest in the event you injure another party in an accident. This is the part of your policy that pays that other party for their medical bills and related expenses. Due to the high cost of medical care, it’s dangerous to carry liability limits that are too low. This is something we can help you decide on.
Un-insured & Under-insured Liability
This coverage pays you, in the event that you are injured by another party, and that other party was either unidentified, or they weren’t carrying a high enough limit of Bodily Injury Liability to cover your expenses. This is also a very important part of your auto policy because you have zero control over how much insurance other people are driving around with.

5 Ways on How to Save Money on Car Insurance
1. Improve your credit score
A lot of people don’t like insurance companies using credit score as one of the factors in determining what you pay for car insurance. Three states (California, Hawaii, and Massachusetts) don’t take credit score into account when figuring premiums, but for the rest of us, we have to play by the rules we’re given.
The good news is that each time you move up a tier (from Average to Good, for example), you can save hundreds of dollars a year. If you started from the bottom (Poor) and now you’re here (Exceptional), you could save $1,408 each year.
2. Bundle up
Buying insurance for your car and your home can lead to big savings, and you don’t have to own a house to see the benefits. On average, bundling these two coverages together saves you 8% on your car insurance, whether you rent, own, or have a condo. Homeowners see the biggest benefit (about 10% off their car insurance), but condo owners (8%) and renters (5%) get in on the action, too.
3. Keep yourself covered
The math on this one is easy: The longer you are insured, the lower your rates will be. It only takes six months of coverage to see savings of approximately 8%. Pro tip: After six months, and then again after your 1-, 3-, and 5-year marks of continuous coverage, shop around for insurance. Your good track record can lead you to lower rates. And also, don’t drop your coverage along the way, even for a day! Insurance companies hate it when you have a gap in coverage.
4. Pay up front
If you can pay for your entire term of coverage up front, it will pay off down the line. Payment in full, rather than installments, can save you 12%. Think of it as having each monthly payment be $9 less. Doing business digitally is a bonus, too.
5. Track your driving with telematics
If you’re OK with using an app or a small device that plugs in under your dashboard to track your driving habits, it could pay off with savings. It’s called telematics, where your speed, mileage, and total driving time are tracked and used as part of the formula that determines your auto insurance premium.
Ready for Affordable Auto Insurance? We are here to help with any auto insurance questions you might have! Don't hesitate to contact us today to find cheap auto insurance in Arkansas.
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