Auto Insurance

Top Tips for Securing Cheap Car Insurance in Tulsa, OK

A female insurance agent, wearing a white coat, is holding a folder and a pen for car insurance in Tulsa, OK.

Car insurance is vital for responsible car ownership, and knowing your local car insurance options is crucial for informed choices. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, where drivers deal with severe weather and heavy traffic, having the right insurance is crucial. This comprehensive guide will provide an overview of the car insurance market in Tulsa, including average premiums […]

Car Insurance Explained: What happens when car accident claim exceeds insurance limits?

Car Accident Claim

Car insurance is a critical financial safety net that protects drivers from the potentially catastrophic financial consequences of a car accident. When an accident occurs, insurance coverage typically helps cover the costs of repairs, medical expenses, and other damages incurred. However, in some unfortunate situations, the damages resulting from a car accident can surpass the […]

Auto Insurance Discounts for Safe Drivers

Auto Insurance Discounts for Safe Drivers

Car insurance is a necessity for every driver, but that doesn’t mean you have to pay a fortune for coverage. If you consider yourself a safe driver, you’re in luck! Many insurance companies offer various discounts specifically designed for those who exhibit responsible driving habits. These auto insurance discounts can help you save a significant […]

Does Car Insurance Cover Electrical Problems?

Does Car Insurance Cover Electrical Problems

The last thing you need is a problem with your car. Many people don’t know their car’s issues are electrical. You should check your car’s electrical systems at least once a year to prevent any unexpected issues. Loose connections, frayed wires, or other wiring issues usually cause these issues. Thinking about the expenses, does your […]

Is Hail Damage Covered by Car Insurance?

Is hail damage covered by car insurance

If you’ve ever walked out to your car to see those tiny ball-shaped dents, you know how frustrating it can be. The culprit is hail, and it’s never fun to deal with. Hail can either be no big deal or extremely dangerous.  In 2022, hail storms were predicted to cause $1.1 billion in damage in […]